Conservative Values Work!
Socialism has been a failure everywhere it is tried.
We are the Party of Lincoln, Reagan, and Trump.
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On September 3, 2024 the Executive Committee of The Republican Party of Langlade County unanimously voted to endorse Kelly Clark for the 33rd District Assembly election on Tuesday, November 5,2024. Kelly is running as an Independent against Republican Robin Vos and Democrat Alan Kupsik. Robin Vos is the longest serving Speaker in the United States. He has steadfastly refused to combat election fraud by retaining the corrupt Megan Wolfe in office. He has participated in dark money operations against our Republican candidates during our Primary, and he has done everything in his power to keep Donald Trump off the ticket here in Wisconsin. It is time for change and Kelly Clark is the perfect candidate to now represent the 33rd District. She is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-free speech, a Nurse Practitioner, and a successful business owner. She knows the people of the 33rd and she will represent them without being beholden to the Lobbyists, and the dark money that unfortunately has crept into our Legislature. She is the future, and The Republican Party of Langlade County stands proudly with her! Leonard Boltz Chairman-Republican Party of Langlade County
Office hours for campaign season.
Wednesdays 3:00-6:00PM
Saturdays 9:00am - noon
Corner of Superior st. and 6th ave.
Lots of hats, T-shirts
Campaign signs.
Why Trump is the only choice.
Share this.
“Today, I wish to draw attention to the concerning ties between Speaker Robin Vos and organizations linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This relationship not only raises serious questions about potential compromises but also poses a significant threat to our state’s legislative integrity and sovereignty."
Rep. Brandtjen Raises Concerns Over Speaker Robin
Vos' Apparent Compromise with CCP Interests
For more information, contact: April 29, 2024
Rep. Brandtjen (414) 915-8425
Madison – State Representative Janel Brandtjen has issued the following statement in response
to Speaker Vos’ compromise with CCP interests:
“Today, I wish to draw attention to the concerning ties between Speaker Robin Vos and
organizations linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This relationship not only raises
serious questions about potential compromises but also poses a significant threat to our state’s
legislative integrity and sovereignty.
In a crucial address in Madison in September 2020, then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
highlighted the CCP's ambitions to sway American opinions towards Beijing's authoritarianism.
Pompeo warned, ‘Know that when you are approached by a Chinese diplomat, it is likely not in
the spirit of cooperation or friendship. If you’re offered a trip to China when the pandemic travel
restrictions are lifted, you should ask who is paying for the trip and if that person is directly or
indirectly linked to the Chinese Communist Party. These approaches may happen from Chinese
nationals or Americans working with CCP-linked interests.’ He emphasized, ‘We watch the CCP
campaigns targeting state-level officials and local interests. We’ve seen them at PTA meetings;
they have been in full swing for years, and they’re increasing in intensity.’
Despite such warnings, Speaker Vos participated in at least two trips under the sponsorship of
CCP associates: a 2016 trip to Wuhan funded to the tune of almost $14,000 by the State
Legislators Leadership Foundation (SLLF) and a 2023 trip to Copenhagen sponsored by the
Energy Foundation China. While based in San Francisco, this nonprofit organization is
recognized for its links to CCP initiatives, focusing on climate change discussions between the
United States and China.
Pompeo’s observation that the CCP's influence campaigns are ‘increasing in intensity’ and
targeting state-level officials was further exemplified in October 2019. As President of the
National Convention of State Legislators, Vos openly praised Li Xiaolin of the Chinese People’s
Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, stating, ‘Madame Li has traveled to more
than 100 countries on the face of the planet advocating for her special relationship to make sure
that people understand all of the things that China is doing to improve people around the world.’
The most alarming demonstration of potential compromise occurred in 2024 when Speaker Vos
influenced the legislative process to obstruct AB269, a bill intended to restrict Chinese
ownership of Wisconsin farmland. This decision poses a direct question about whose interests
Speaker Vos truly represents.
It is imperative that we scrutinize these relationships and ensure our leaders are not unduly
influenced by foreign interests contrary to American values.”
State Capitol: PO Box 8952 | Madison, WI 53708-8952
Office: (608) 237-9122 | Toll-Free: (888) 534-0022
Robin Vos, His minions, Their corruption
Reg Joe Show December 18th
Segments 7-8-9-10
Remember.......Vos's goal in life is to make sure Trump is never re-elected. And he's allowed to put an R next to his name.
Liberals at it again inventing terms to allow them to feel better about the evil they do.
Has someone been performing non-consensual abortions?
Who is consenting to the Abortion?
Not the Baby!
Full Story
What really happened with George Floyd, MPLS Police, and a Cop sitting in prison for doing his job. This is what happens in Liberal run Cities and States.
The Fall of Minneapolis | A Crowdfunded Documentary
Presentation by Jefferson Davis
What you missed if you didn't make it.
Jefferson Davis
Tim Ramthun
Books you might find in our Public Schools and Public Library
What the Liberals are doing to Trump
Just Say No—to Masks!
By Roger Simon
The old saw that goes “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me” has never applied more.
COVID-19, part one, was bad enough. Now, we are reading and hearing in numerous places that COVID-19, part two, is in the offing. In many ways, it has already begun with yet another COVID variant, BA.2.86, a highly mutated strain reported in Michigan, as the handy excuse.
Welcome back masks, lockdowns, social distancing, required vaccinations for work, boosters without end, the banning of easy (inexpensive) solutions such as ivermectin, unbelievable fortunes being made by pharmaceutical companies and their executives, school closings, our dumbed-down children increasingly falling behind grade level while friendless and living life through their smartphones, myriad small business bankruptcies, all our major cities in astonishing decay, riddled with crime, phony subsidies creating yet more inflation, families alienated from each other, isolation, depression, heavy drug usage, suicide and, most of all, extreme government control, either through the World Health Organization (in league with China) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—the last being the underlying intention of it all.
This is communism through health care, which some say Vladimir Lenin himself envisioned as the most efficient way to achieve his goal.
Notably, this is beginning again just at the moment our country is finally emerging, at least to some small extent, from the so-called pandemic.
We can't allow this repeat to take place. It’s up to us to stop it. We can refuse to comply—we must refuse.
This is a time for all to read or reread Henry David Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience.” If this goes forward as it is pervasively rumored, it would be a classic case of what the 19th-century author described—civil (government) law in conflict with higher law.
Forget beer cans. Are you ready for a national mask boycott?
Astonishingly, this is occurring after the Cochrane Library—the supposed sine qua non for assimilating medical research studies—told us there was barely a difference, if any at all, between those who wore masks and those who didn’t in contracting the virus.
Further, Switzerland, of all places, home to many of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, recently is no longer recommending the vaccines, even for those considered at high risk.
Thirdly, due to a recent lawsuit from three doctors, the Food and Drug Administration just acknowledged what most of us knew all along—the vastly cheaper ivermectin worked against COVID. Third World countries that couldn’t afford the expensive shots used ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and did better than we did.
Fourthly, we have Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to thank for his exhaustive, heavily footnoted book on Dr. Anthony Fauci that documents just how much this man has worked against the public interest and on behalf of his own for so many decades. If you haven’t read “The Real Anthony Fauci,” you owe it to yourself to make the effort. Plus, Kennedy has a new one coming up in October intimately related to all this: “The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race.”
I could go on and on, but since you are Epoch Times readers, you have no doubt read many of our esteemed medical contributors (Drs. Scott Atlas, Jay Bhattacharya, Robert S. Malone, Harvey Risch, Peter McCullough, among many others just as eminent) or seen Jan Jekielek’s interviews with them.
Separately and together, they have clarified much of what we have been confronting, yet here we go again. How to explain that?
Most would prefer to “go along to get along,” rather than to confront authority or even to give up old habits, no matter how miserable.
I know I have felt that way at times and suspect that most people have. Affecting change, however, entails confronting that feeling, confronting the coward in yourself.
What we are dealing with in our country are many, possibly a majority.
It's our job now to help them not live in health care slavery. It won’t be easy. It will take a lot of patience with frightened and habituated people. But it’s our calling now—like it or not.
How to do it, however, is not that difficult, at least to start with.
Channel Nancy Reagan.
Just say no—to masks! (And the rest of the fascist idiocy that goes along with them.)
Trump won and he can prove it.
We ask that you take time to respond to the poll and if possible share it with your members. Without fair elections, we do not have a country.
We are still waiting for the results from this poll.
Alex Newman
The Great Reset
Audio, exposing the great reset part 1
Part 2
The Elite's Plan to Control Everything
Ben Armstrong
No Country For Old Conservatives
‘The Great Awakening’ Global Premiere Event Seen Across The World; On The Jaxen Report, German data on Excess Mortality points toward the vaccine | Is SARS CoV-2 causing cancer or something else | and the history of euthanasia and population control; Then, do Doctors deserve to be trusted again? The Global Health Project seeks to address the crisis of trust between Doctors and Patients, but can they succeed?; Finally, The Story of One Doctor’s Very Rude Awakening.
Guests: Dr. Kat Lindley, Dr. Michael Turner
Good read
From H.O.T. Government
Under Vos’s Leadership Republicans Continue to Lose
Why is it that H.O.T. government must be the one who points out the obvious on the last election losses by the Republicans? The Radio Rhinos, Wisconsin spotlight, Wisconsin Right Now, and others seem to go into hibernation when the facts stare them in the face. Under Vos’s leadership the Democrats have continued to dominate the elections in the last 3 years Republicans have lost 11 out of the last 16 races. The assembly continues to vote Vos back in as Speaker even with the most dismal record on elections. The assembly treat Vos like an abusive spouse afraid to step up in fear of retaliation. The large donors must be getting sick of being milked like a cow in the Republican barn. It's time for the voters to look seriously at their assembly person and senate representative make them aware you no longer want to be a loser. The fact is Republicans will continue to lose because they have no leadership.
How many of you folks remember Ross Perot?
He was a very exciting billionaire from Texas who ran for president in 1992. He ran as an Independent with President George H. Bush and Democrat nominee Bill Clinton as the other presidential suiters. Polls showed him ahead by 3 points. His independent political campaign still ranks as the most successful independent campaign in the history of American politics.
Perot never became president. So what did he accomplish politically beside some excitement and a Republican loss?
Answer: he, to a great degree, helped elect Democrat Bill Clinton who put into place NAFTA (among other questionable policies) causing tons of small businesses located in hundreds/thousands of small towns to disappear changing forever the face of small/medium town America. Ross Perot's vote-splitting independent campaign resulted much negativity including American businesses taking their manufacturing elsewhere because of NAFTA. And today, that "elsewhere" is China.
The United States' political atmosphere in 1992, causing George H. Bush to lose the presidency, brought in a new era of nasty politics and with it, the Clinton corruption which still causes injury and crime to this very day.
So what's my point?
We are about to relive a situation very similar to what happened in 1992.
The Rupert Murdoch media conglomerate, with former RINO Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan sitting on the FOX Board, went on record a day after the midterm election with their owned media outlets of FOX, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), and New York Post blatantly stating that because Florida Governor Ron DeSantis did so well in the midterms and Trump did not (and I would take issue with that - the Trump-endorsed people were very successful throughout the country except in Pennsylvania where Democrats outspent Dr. Oz by millions to elect a person with less cognitive abilities than Biden while RINO Mitch McConnell spent millions to on the RINO Lisa Murkowski (a so-called Republican who voted for Trump’s phony impeachment proceedings (how much money was involved in that deal?) campaign in Alaska. The GOP keeps shooting themselves in the foot.
It is TOTALLY OBVIOUS that the deep state and One World Government traitors want Trump out of the picture because they know that when -- I did not say "if" -- President Trump is reelected in 2024, he will expose the treasonous crimes including the phony Hillary Clinton paid for dossier and subsequent phony FISA warrant, the Biden $1.5 billion dollar money grab from China as totally outlined on Hunter Biden's laptop (good blackmail material for China to use against the Biden Crime Family), the undisputable voter fraud evidence that NOT ONE COURT IN THE UNITED STATES has ever considered, studied or accepted to allowed a hearing or trial to take place involving the truckloads, yes truckloads of voter fraud evidence. Again, Democrat politicians and operatives KNOW that if there is ever a fair semblance of justice, many Democrats will be in major amounts of trouble. Obviously, these criminal Democrats will do everything in their power to prevent the truth to ever surface. They fear wearing orange suits.
So these criminals must do everything possible to destroy and discredit Trump. In my opinion, if the Democrat phony DOJ attempts or any other such "legal" attempts fail, some fearful Democrats would go so far as to add Trump’s name to the ranks of Lincoln and Kennedy (and we know what happened to them).
The Main Stream Media (MSM) of which the Murdoch FOX, WSJ, and NY Post are a part of is now attempting to start a "war" between Trump and DeSantis. If the MSM is successful...If we all take the bait...the MSM will have split the Conservatives into two sections (Trumpers vs DeSantis supporters) thus allowing Democrats probable presidential candidate Gavin Newsom to win in 2024. Remember what Ross Perot did.
The USA will become a larger California. I am not sure the 74 million people that voted for Trump in 2020 will sit idly by accepting what they know will be the end of America. There will probably be massive expect anything less is ignorant thinking.
Trump is the leading Republican in every 2024 presidential poll I have seen. Everyone knows that President Trump gave America four excellent economic years in spite of all of the almost unbearable resistance the Democrats threw at him. Trump knows how to win. Most people understand what happened during the 2020 election; there is just too much evidence that our biased and criminal justice system has denied to address to think anything but voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
The crimes involving the DOJ, IRS, ELECTION System, massive monetary theft by liberal politicians, etc. must come to an end. If allowed to go on much longer, the United States of America will come to an end.
That possibility is closer than one might think.
Here We Go!
May 31, 2022
4.69 Increase of 2.78 / Gallon, So Far.
It was $1.91 on Nov, 1 of 2020
That 20 gallon tank of gas you were buying for 38 bucks when Trump was running our country is now costing you nearly 94.00 bucks. Thanks Joe. Putz!
"Let's Go Brandon"
We didn't vote for this! And the liberal media is reporting gas prices up due to pandemic and Putin. Give your excess gas bills to a liberal. They voted for this. I'm even starting to hear the liberals complain about gas prices.
Why we had to elect a conservative School Board
Will we ever get answers on what happen Jan. 6th, 2021?
Gaetz / Greene Press conf.
What is it?
Do we have enough of it?
Will 1. The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action; 2. Deliberate intention or wish; 3. Free discretion, inclination; 4. Bearing or attitude towards others;
In time of crisis you find out who your leaders are.
It happened in Australia
Government run Public Schools
Sky High Taxes
Massive Inflation
Increased Crime
Supply Chain Crisis
Enormous Government Spending
Uncontrolled Illegals and disease coming over Southern Border
Assembly Committee on Campaigns and elections.
Hearings held on 11/10/21
Racine and Judge Gableman starts at 2:04:14
12-1-21 entire video
wiseye subscription required
Some leaders would rather get to the 10th inning than to take a risk in the 9th.
The Cheating in Racine as a result of WEC, the Wisconsin Election Commission breaking the LAW.
At 11:00 AM on Friday October 22nd, The Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau released the long awaited report on their investigation / audit of the November 2020 election.
This is the type of crap the liberal mainstream media will spew around instead of the truth.
Here is the complete report from LAB
The cheating and fraud in Arizona
How much control does the government have over big tech? You may be shocked after watching this video.
Read the Navaro Report
Col. Phil Waldron
Len Boltz speaking at Rise Up Wisconsin Rally
Once opened, wait a bit, it first appears to be blocked
Hosted by Sheriff David Clarke
This will blow your mind that this is happening in our country where you are innocent until proven guilty. This man from Calumet Michigan was arrested and jailed for "parading" on January 6th.
Ignoring evidence of election fraud because the election is already over is like ignoring a murder because the victim is already dead.
A sobering reminder. It's been almost sixty one years since Russia’s Khrushchev delivered this.
Do you remember September 29, 1959?
"Your children's children will live under communism, You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you; We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands." "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
Remember, socialism leads to Communism. So, how do you create a Socialistic State? There are 8 levels of control; CAREFULLY read the following recipe:
1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people.
2) Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.
3) Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.
6) Education - Take control of what people read and listen to and take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion - Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools because the people need to believe in ONLY the government knowing what is best for the people.
8) Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor
A perfect parallel to the Democrats' agenda!!!!! Sounds like Joe Biden's
scroll down to watch the video
Any doubt there was cheating on Nov. 3, 2020. Watch these videos.
Latest Mike Lindell video
Absolutly 9-0 Supreme Court ruling
It's only 26 minutes long and if you don't have that much time to help save our country, go to 19 minutes and witness how the Chinese Communist Party stole our election in Wisconsin.
Unmasked only 16 minutes
Is voter fraud real? only 5 minutes
Mike Lindel and Michael Flynn 2 hours
Call the Supreme Court Comment line at 202-479-3030. Tell them we want all Voter Fraud Cases to be heard.
What have we done since Nov. 3, 2020 to make voting easier and cheating harder?
How Biden is spending our money.
Here we go!
Average Antigo WI Gas Price
November 1, 2020 $1.91
November 9, 2020 $2.16
November 28, 2020 $2.27
January 15, 2021 $2.25
February 3, 2021 $2.30
February 11, 2021 2.39
February 17, 2021 2.48
February 24, 2021 2.65
March 14, 2021 2.72
April 30, 2021 2.84
May 7, 2021 2.94
June 5, 2021 2.99
July 22, 2021 3.09
August 23, 2021 3.17
February 1, 2022 3.34
February 24, Russia invades Ukraine
March 2, 2022 3.59
March 15, 2022 4.09
Here We Go!
May 9, 2022 4.19
Increase of 2.28 / Gallon, So Far.
That 20 gallon tank of gas you were buying for 38 bucks when Trump was running our country is now costing you nearly 84.00 bucks. Thanks Joe. Putz!
"Let's Go Brandon"
We didn't vote for this!
And the liberal media is reporting gas prices up due to pandemic and Putan. Give your excess gas bills to a liberal. They voted for this.
I'm even starting to hear the liberals complain about gas prices.
Catching Wild Pigs
A thought to remember, Karl Marx said, "Remove one freedom per generation and soon you will have no freedom, and no one will have noticed.”
There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab, the professor noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt. The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting Communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist regime.
In the midst of his story, he looked at the professor and asked a strange question: "Do you know how to catch wild pigs?" The professor thought it was a joke and waited for the punch line.
The young man said that it was no joke. "You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the free food. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. Then, you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd."
The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in America and Canada. The government keeps pushing us toward Socialism/Communism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credits for unearned income, tax exemptions, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments to not plant crops (CRP), welfare entitlements, medicine, drugs, etc., while we continually lose our freedoms, just a little at a time, as we increase our dependence upon a powerful few.
One should remember these two truths:
If you see that all of this wonderful government "help" is a problem confronting the future of freedom in America and Canada, you might want to share this with your friends.
If you think the "free ride" is essential to your way of life, then you will probably not share this.
But, God help us all when the gate slams shut!
Think about this: "The problems we face today are here because the people who work for a living are now outnumbred by those who vote for a living."
It appears the fence is up and the gate is currently open. In the next four years, they will slam it shut. Enjoy your corn!
"Speak, or be spoken for."
Government at every level can do whatever they want to, if we allow them to.
Be the squeaky wheel.
Our Job
Right Now in the Post Election Theft Period
Get involved. Run for local office. Attend meetings. School Board, County Board, City Council, Town Board.
Through elections we need to
Get the wrong people off the bus.
Get the right people on the bus.
Get the right people in the right seats.
Every Bus, Local, State, and National.
ID the RINO's and the weak. Replace them with Strong Conservatives that place more emphasis on winning and getting things done rather than worrying about keeping a majority that didn't work and getting re-elected.
Telling the people we elect what we want them to do instead listening to them tell us what they want us to do.
Why Trump? Why we have hope
Mike Lindel 1.5 hours
The Republican Party of Langlade County was the fastest growing County Party in the State in 2020. Thank you to all those who are involved. We need everyone to maximize the effects of conservative values in Langlade County. We invite you to become a member. Join us for a monthly meeting / Rally. You will gain knowledge of local, State, and National issues by attending. You also get to spend the night with like minded conservative thinking people.
Our objective is to recruit new members to share and promote the core values of what it means to be a conservative Republican. The Party believes that Government’s role is to enable PEOPLE to secure the benefits of society for themselves without excessive intervention of Government.
On a national, state and county level, we are facing challenges to our conservative values. Our Second Amendment rights are at risk of being compromised by our State Government. The tax to the max and spend it all attitudes of liberals in local office is what drives people out of our communities. Our public schools are indoctrinating our kids, rather than teaching them how to read and think critically.
It is our mission to uphold the right of the individual to both keep and bear arms. We enjoyed lower taxes and lower unemployment rates under President Trump and place high value on that continuing into the future. We stand behind the Pro-Life belief that an unborn child, like every naturalized citizen of this Country, has a right to the same privileges of the Fourteenth Amendment… “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”.
We have to counter the hypocrites that park their cars in church parking lots on Sundays, yet vote for liberals that think abortion is OK.
We believe in Controlling spending, getting those stuck in the welfare system back into the workforce and wisely conserving our environment.
We would like for you to join us to preserve those core values by helping us keep conservatives like Ron Johnson and Tom Tiffany in Washington DC. We saw the Democrat Liberal Progressives in Washington DC do everything possible to remove President Trump from office. The impeachment process has been and will be a scar on our Country’s history. We need to stand together and work together to accomplish these grassroots efforts.
Our efforts include growing our membership, increase funding for radio/TV messages, billboards, print ads, yard and road signs as well as brochures for door-to-door distribution. Please join us! Lets come together to not only Keep America Great but keep our County and Communities Great!
Click on the menu in upper left corner and go to meetings. Then join us for our next meeting / Rally.
If you've taken time to read and view just 10% of this page, you will now be one of the smartest people in any room you go into.
Election Integrity and Fraud
There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. This is what the fraud deniers always respond, yet they are never willing to define widespread.
Wisconsin Election Commission
Call for the Impeachment of Director Megan Wolfe
Election Integrity
Ranked Choice and Final Five Voting System
Peter Berneger presentation on voting machines and connection to internet. Nov. 17-22 RPLC meeting.
Picked up on Gateway Pundit
One of the ways they cheated
Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections
Public Hearings
December 11, 2020
November 10, 2021
December 1, 2021
December 2021
December 8, 2021
This is amazing
This women is running for US Senate and thinks she is qualified to sit next to our great Senator Ron Johnson.
She is speaking with convicts in prison.
Do you believe the voting machines are clean?
Think again.
The Gableman Report, March 1, 2022
Full written Gableman report
Peter Bernegger presenting at the hearing hosted by the campaign and elections committee February 9th
Assembly Committee on Campaigns and elections hearing from January 19, 2022
Features Jeff O'Donnell, Jay Valentine, and Dan Eastman
How the Wisconsin Election was purchased.
Another trailer for 2000 Mules
Only 3:00 minutes
True The Vote on Charlie Kirk
Proof of how they cheated with absentee ballots.
Justice Gableman on Rumble / War Room
Campaign and Elections Committee hearing
March 24th
Another way they cheated.
The truth is coming to a theater near you this spring.
The Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections had a hearing on Wednesday December 8th at 1:00PM
Watch and learn
At 23:20 Jeff O'Donnell
At 57:30 Dr. Frank
At 1:31 Erik Kaardel
December 8, 2021
If you don't have the two hours and fifteen minutes to watch the above video, here is a 33 minute overview compliments of Ben Armstrong.
We always hear the media, Liberals, and RINO's say "there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud", yet they will admit there has always been some voter fraud.
How much is acceptable?
Define widespread.
You can't, It's subjective. It allows them to never have to commit to a target number.
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